
To any and all prospective users of the BurrBear Trading Platform, by your participation in and the use of any and all activities associated with BurrBear products and with the materials herein, You acknowledge Your understanding and agreement with the disclaimers herein:

You represent and warrant You are not: (i) in violation of any laws relating to economic sanctions, anti-money laundering, or anti-corruption; (ii) restricted or prohibited in dealings by a global sanctions authority (including but not limited to the Security Council of the United Nations, the European Union, or the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets and Control) (a "Sanctions Authority"), (iii) a citizen of or domiciled in a jurisdiction where it would be illegal according to Applicable Law for you to access or use the BurrBear Trading Platform; (iv) a citizen of or domiciled in (at any time) a country sanctioned by a Sanctions Authority including, but not limited to, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and the Crimea region of Ukraine; (iv) located, incorporated or otherwise established in the United States of America (including its territories and dependencies, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia) and not a “U.S. Person” as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended; or (v) intending to transact with any restricted jurisdiction.


In these Terms:

“Applicable Law” means all civil and common laws, statutes, subordinate legislation, treaties, regulations, directives, decisions, by-laws, ordinances, circulars, codes, orders, notices, demands, decrees, injunctions, resolutions, rules and judgments of any government, quasi-government, statutory, administrative or regulatory body, court, agency or association by which any member of BurrBear or you are bound in any jurisdiction applicable to the receipt or performance of the Services.

“Services” means websites, applications and any services provided by BurrBear.

“Trading Platform” means the trading platform on https://www.burrbear.io/ and subdomains, mobile applications, APIs and other media owned by BurrBear relating to the trading platform.